Ballots will be mailed out tomorrow, Oct. 11th to Huerfano County voters. IF you haven't received a ballot in the mail by Oct. 18th, contact the County Clerk's Office to see why not.
Once you have received your ballot, fill it out as soon as you can and drop it off at the drop box behind the courthouse or inside at the Clerk's voting area.
IF you choose to mail your ballot, do so by October 28th and make sure you have enough postage.
Remember, postmarks do NOT count so mail before Oct. 28th.
Of course, you can choose to vote in person at the Huerfano County Courthouse beginning Monday, October 21st. Vote before 7 p.m. on November 5th to have your vote count.
If you are NOT registered to vote, go to to do so or go to the County Clerk's Office to do so in person. We need a good turnout to win for our local, state and national candidates.
You received a postcard in the mail in the last week. It has pictures of all Democrat candidates on the ballot. Save the postcard to help you fill out your ballot.
You can also download the list of candidates and Ballot Measures below.